
How to Choose the Best Staffing Software for Your Staffing Agency

Purchasing any type of enterprise software is not an easy task. It involves detailed planning, an abundance of research, comparisons, critiques, etc. The staffing and recruiting industry a complex, ever changing field, and the software you select is a crucial component that contributes to your company’s success. So how do you decide what type of … Continued

Using 40% of Your Staffing Software?

No one ever buys anything with the intent of using a small percentage of the product. Generally, when one makes a major purchase there is a good amount of research involved and desired features are scrutinized for efficiency and effectiveness. There may be yes/no checklists involved, various conversations with the vendor and many product demonstrations. … Continued

Software Best Practices

At times you may wonder what could be done to capitalize on the investment that was made in staffing and recruiting software for your organization. When you installed your software, something was supposed to happen that didn’t. You thought that it would change the way business was managed and yield all sorts of efficiencies and … Continued

I’m Automated! Now What?

If you choose to use staffing software to help run your business then you are “automated”. However, automation offers a variety of return, all based upon software features that are available and implementation of processes within the organization. New staffing software is exciting but how come it always looks better and more affective when the … Continued

What’s Best for Your Software?

“To Host” or “Not to Host”? It’s a topic that is constant, along with all of the other industry buzzwords, whenever software is mentioned. “Software on demand”, “subscription based software”, and “in the cloud” are all commonly remarked phrases. What does it all mean? Is server-based software simply an old-fashioned relic? Many today would like … Continued

Why You Need to Upgrade Your Staffing and Recruiting Software System

Uh oh. Your staffing agency has reached the dreaded decision: Is it time to upgrade your staffing software solution? Of course, every business owner has a reason to stay with the older version. “Everybody knows the old system.” “Research and training will cut into our bottom line.” “We don’t want to deal with the cost … Continued

Staffing Software Implementation is the Key to Success!

  When it comes to tools that are essential to a staffing company’s success, staffing software is at the top of the list. Staffing software is something that every person in the organization uses in their day to day operations and the implementation of this tool is just as critical as the process of finding … Continued

Software That’s Right For You!

I love birthdays!  I love birthdays so much that I celebrate monthly birthdays.  It’s a tradition my dad started when I was little.  Every month on the 22nd day of the month I celebrate a “Monthly Birthday”.  I used to think that everyone did.  Whenever I mention it to someone they look at me as … Continued

“Win Big” with Great Staffing Software Support !!!

It can be intimidating when it comes to getting new staffing software. There are many different options which can make the process overwhelming. Often overlooked in the process is product support. An excellent support team is necessary in order to ensure a smooth implementation. Staffing software support includes: Pre-installation support, thorough training, post implementation support … Continued

4 Ways to Capitalize Staffing Software

Successful people make the conscious decision to use all the tools and resources that they have and keep an eye open for new opportunities. Staffing industry professionals are no different. Staffing firms that take advantage of staffing software technology are using the resources that are available to them to create a more efficient business.


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